Welcome to the Greens and Grounds Department Blog for Oconomowoc Golf Club. Our team intends to educate, inform, and update members about golf course maintenance procedures as well as post timely information throughout the year.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Early May Update

Greetings from the Greens and Grounds Team,

I hope all the Mother's out there had a wonderful day celebrating Mother's Day.  From the Greens and Grounds Team, Happy Mother's Day! (a few days passed - in my opinion it never ends - each day is Mother's Day!)
Happy Mother's Day
Since last update, we've been very busy working on the property and grooming playing surfaces for regular play.  I've been able to meet a few of you already and look forward to meeting more of you this month.  My plan is to be around the practice tee on Saturday to meet a few more members here at the Club.  The month of May in my mind is another time of the year that signifies that the season has begun.  We will soon be getting a few more teammates on the crew, the plants begin to really take shape for the summer, the projects begin to wind down, and the course detailing ramps up.

Some general course updates are...
We placed a few flag indicator markers on the tees for the classic one color system flags on the course.  These indicator markers are located on the white tee blocks and signify where the flagstick is in relation to the green.  These markers are on holes #5,9,11, and 13.  The colors of the indicators are as follows:
  • Red - front third
  • White - middle 
  • Blue - back third
Indicator Markers - Red = Front 1/3; White = Middle 1/3; Blue = Back Third

Some of the highlights over the last few weeks have been; getting dry enough soil (that took awhile :( ) to fill in those unplayable tree stump areas.  This week, we have been working on squaring them off in preparation for sodding.  The bathrooms on #12 are completed with each of the rooms freshly painted and updated.  The snack room has also been updated and will be great upgrade.  We have also been assessing the bunker depths on a few holes to add adequate sand to those hazards, which we are finding have low amounts of sand in them.  Another key task we've been working on is the irrigation system.  I have continued to fix and repair irrigation bodies and internal assemblies to working order.  The list has slowly been trimmed down to around 12 more heads to work on.  I'm looking forward to getting through these as it's been a tough inherited Spring task to take on among other items this Spring without another trained professional like an Assistant.  Lastly, we have started our Spring health program on the greens and begun light verticutting and topdressing which may take place weekly through May and early June.  This process helps keep the grass growing vertical, thins out the canopy (= quicker speeds), and allows the grass to be a little healthier.  We then supplement with topdressing sand to fill in the areas and smooth them out for firmer surfaces over time.  
The Tree Stump Map - ~75 in Total

Replaced a broken Sprinkler Body - Nice work Eric on the Excavation!

The upper 3 pictures show the process of verticutting - removing material, gaining speeds, working on plant health standards, and brushing in topdressing sand for smoother and firmer conditions over time.  All done on Monday.  The Leatherman (not for sale) in the middle picture is a valuable Superintendent tool.  I use it 30 times a day.

For our teammates; the weekends have been filled with team training of new high school students who look to start full time in early June.  They have been given training on mowing greens and bunker maintenance.  I'm looking forward to these team members as I feel they will be a part of our team for the next few years.  We also have added a key returning college member this week named, Aidan.  Aidan has worked on the course for four seasons and will be a great help getting key tasks completed this summer.  I have thankfully hired an Assistant Superintendent and he should be starting within the next two weeks.  This gentleman has agreed to help OGC for this coming season through November in which OGC will be looking for a long term fill for this position over the entire Winter "off" season.
Jake and Jacob working on Mowing Greens - Great Job New Teammates!

Morning Sunrise - Look who also came to see it...

No 5:15 am Tee Times Bambi...
Try Deer Haven!

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Course Update